Marvin is a portly pig and sound explorer of the Great Unknown. He travels the infinite depths of space, harvesting the most unique sounds that the cosmos have to offer and packages them into Pigtronix pedals for human enjoyment. Marvin will save us all.
Power supply information for each of our pedals can be found on their corresponding product page.
Replace CD4066 and CD4093 / CD4011 CMOS chips. No soldering required
We no longer offer out of warranty support for Pigtronix legacy pedals. Please contact for more information.
We do not provide Schematics for Pigtronix pedals.
We no longer offer custom mods for legacy Pigtronix pedals.
Put 10uF Aluminum Electrolytic caps in positions C7 and C8.
Change the BLEND pot to B100K
Bass FAT drive lets through more low end.
They all have the same compressor circuit. Philosopher’s Tone Micro features a Treble control. The Germanium Gold Version has a blendable overdrive in place of the treble control. The Bass version also has an overdrive that is optimized for Bass.
The Octava is an original circuit design by Howard Davis and David Koltai that was first used in the Pigtronix Disnortion pedal that came out in 2005. The Octava micro takes the half-wave rectifier, octave up circuit as well as the Fuzz from the original Disnortion and ads a JFET Drive circuit to the front end.
No. The Octava pedal does not require a buffer.
Please contact
We no longer carry this item. Any 15VDC negative tip 300mA power supply will work.
We no longer offer out of warranty support for Pigtronix legacy pedals.
Yes. It works great!
Turn on the “Ignore Midi Notes” function on your Infinity pedal.
Instructions link coming soon! Contact if you just can’t wait!
When you power up the unit, the digit will flash 218.
SD Card need to be reformatted or replaced. More info coming soon!
Go into security settings and change the 3rd party app permissions to “everywhere.”
Contact if you’re still having dificulty.
We will replace the pedal under warranty.
These are set at the factory and we STRONGLY recommend you DO NOT adjust internal trim pots.
Plug the side jacks into the open CV and GATE ports on the circuit board.
Spray some DeOxit into the Trigger jack and then run a ¼” plug in and out a few times. This will clear any corrosion that is preventing it from working properly.